The UN Food and Agriculture Organization has declared 2016 the International Year of Pulses (IYP) to encourage connections throughout the food chain that would better utilize pulse-based proteins, further global production of pulses, increase the efficiency of crop rotations, and address trade challenges. The International Year creates a unique moment to showcase transformative research investments that would allow pulse crops to deliver on their full potential as a critical player in the global food system.
With funding support by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada, this initiative is led by Emerging Ag, Inc. on behalf of the Global Pulse Confederation, which has sponsored a wide array of activities for the International Year of Pulses. It is motivated by the large gap between the potential of pulse crops for meeting global sustainability challenges and the current capacity to seize this potential. The 10-Year Research Strategy report will be used to set an agenda for global discussion and mobilize champions to advocate for accelerated pulse research investments.
Development of the 10-Year Research Strategy builds on earlier scoping work such as a global survey of pulse research funding and relies on collaborative engagement with pulse research stakeholders. In September, interviews were held with thirty-three researchers working across many different scientific disciplines, geographic areas, and pulse crop types. In October, a write-shop was held as part of the Second International Legume Society conference in Troia, Portugal and public comments were invited on a draft version of the 10-Year Research Strategy in early November 2016. A final version of the Research Strategy is available here:
10 Year Research Strategy Pulse Crops - Final (1.04 MB)
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Chapter 1
Breeding and Genetics for Improved Productivity and Resilience
Chapter 2
Pulses in integrated cropping systems and agricultural landscapes
Chapter 3
Integration of pulses into food systems
Chapter 4
Integration across agricultural nutritional and social sciences
Chapter 5
Spatially-explicit analyses related to global challenges
Download the 10-Year Research Strategy presentation from the IYP Global Dialogue here.
To learn more about key pulse research issues, you are invited to read these recent blog posts from international pulse crop experts:
- Pulses are at the Core of Agricultural Sustainability by Dr. Shoba Sivasankar, Director, CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes
- Productive Pulse Crops: a Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture by Dr. Noel Ellis, Hon. Professor, School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Invest in Knowledge to Bring the Benefits of Pulses into Cropping Systems by Dr. Robin Buruchara, Director of the Pan Africa Bean Research Alliance, CGIAR-CIAT
- Pulse Crops for Healthy Food Systems by Dr. Carol Henry, Associate Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Saskatchewan
- Multidisciplinary Research: a Key to Unlocking Effective Innovation for Pulse Crops by Dr. Diego Rubiales, Professor, Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, CSIC, Spain
- Spatial Knowledge Drives Pulse Crop Productivity by Dr. Jeet Singh Sandhu, Deputy Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research
- Pulses are Heavy Hitters for UN Sustainable Development Goals by Dr. Christine Negra, Versant Vision LLC
Organizing Author:
Dr. Shoba Sivasankar (Director, CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes, ICRISAT)
Lead Author – Breeding and genetics for improved productivity and resilience:
Dr. Noel Ellis (Professor, School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Lead Author – Pulses in integrated crop systems and agricultural landscapes:
Dr. Robin Buruchara (Director of the Pan Africa Bean Research Alliance, CGIAR-CIAT)
Lead Author – Integration of pulses into food systems:
Dr. Carol Henry (Associate Professor of Nutrition and Diet, University of Saskatchewan)
Lead Author – Integration across agricultural, nutritional and social sciences:
Dr. Diego Rubiales (Professor, Spanish National Research Council / Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, CSIC)
Lead Author – Spatially-explicit analyses related to local and global challenges:
Dr. Jeet Singh Sandhu (Deputy Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Government of India)
Coordinating Author:
Dr. Christine Negra (Principal, Versant Vision)
Further Reading
- Women and youth in pulse value chains: opportunities for inclusion of smallholders by Esther Njuguna-Mungai, CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes
- Can we bring the benefits of pulse crops into the light? Insights from the French agricultural sector by Marie-Benoit Magrini, INRA
- Syria, seeds and pulses: ICARDA’s quest for food security in the drylands by Mahmoud Solh, CGIAR-ICARDA
- Tools, traits, and triple wins: USAID invests in a pipeline of pulse innovations by "Vern" Long, USAID (Feed the Future)
- Agriculture in a low-carbon economy: a unique role for pulses by Yantai Gan, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
- Giving smallholders in Africa a stronger pulse! by Jeff Ehlers, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
- Crop simulation models: predicting the future of pulses by Vincent Vadez, CGIAR-ICRISAT
- Investing in pulse crops from field to fork by Tom Warkentin, University of Saskatchewan
- Pulses toward back of research pack - presentation by Professor Irvin Widders
- Steady research investments in pulses to combat planetary challenges by Dr. Shoba Sivasankar, CGIAR-ICRISAT